Samir KC is a professor and founding member of the Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) since 2015. KC leads ADRI's research pillar on Human Capital and Development. He received his master’s degree in statistics is from Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1997). Subsequently, he taught university statistics in Kathmandu and worked as a biostatistician at the Nepal Health Research Council. He received his PhD (specialized in demography and health) from the department of spatial science at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2009). He got China's National High Talent Foreigner Expert Award in 2017 and Shanghai's 1000 Foreign Expert Award in 2015. He leads the Multi-dimensional Demographic Modeling research group in the Population and Just Societies Program at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), where KC works since 2005.
▶Download CV ✉ kcsamir@gmail.com
Selected Publications
Balachandran A, James KS, van Wissen L, KC S, and Janssen F (2021) “Can Changes in Education Alter Future Population Ageing in Asia and Europe?” Journal of Biosocial Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932021000134
KC S (2020) Internal Migration in Nepal (Chapter 13). Internal Migration in the Countries of Asia (Eds. Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards, and Yu Zhu). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7
Chao F, Guilmoto CZ, KC S, and Ombao H (2020). “Probabilistic Projection of the Sex Ratio at Birth and Missing Female Births by State and Union Territory in India.” PLoS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0236673
KC S, Mishra R, Mishra R, & Shukla A (2020). Community COVID-19 Vulnerability Index in India. IIASA Working Paper. Laxenburg, Austria: WP-20-007. http://pure.iiasa.ac.at/16481
O'Neill B, Jiang L, KC S, Fuchs R, Pachauri S, Laidlaw E, Zhang T, Zhou W, & Ren X (2020). The effect of education on determinants of climate change risks. Nature Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-0512-y
Lucas PL, Hilderink HBM, Janssen PHM, KC S, van Vuuren DP, & Niessen L (2019). Future impacts of environmental factors on achieving the SDG target on child mortality—A synergistic assessment. Global Environmental Change. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2019.05.009
KC S, Wurzer M, Speringer M, & Lutz W (2018). Future Population and Human Capital in Heterogeneous India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1722359115
Teaching Courses
📖Demographic Computation
This course aims to introduce the concept of demography and its methods and techniques and to study population issues in the contemporary world by analyzing the past evolution and exploring scenarios for the future. In this hands-on programming course, participants will learn how to use basic and advanced spreadsheet techniques (in Excel and VBA) to present and analyze demographic data. Each topic is aimed to show how to apply conventional and advanced Excel techniques to solve typical tasks of demographic analysis. More specifically, students will embark on a journey to understand the evolution of population in a country of their choosing. We will then define future scenarios and project population into the future along the basic dimensions of age and sex. Once the model is ready, we will explore the policy implications of different assumptions.
There will be a frequent back and forth between the instructor explaining a new concept or method followed by the students implementing this method on their computers. Students will be provided with input data, but will also have to search for their own data on the internet and download it for their calculations. In addition to the regular active participation in class and in group discussions, students will have to deliver reports in which they demonstrate how they could apply the new methods to new data.
After completion of this course, students will be able to
apply different demographic techniques using Excel and Visual Basic
calculate and interpret life tables
perform demographic projections applying cohort-component methodology
learn how to work with and transform large demographic data sets