A Talk: Climate Change Migration and Resettlement

创建时间:  2015-12-01  张羽   浏览次数:   返回

Title Climate Change Migration and Resettlement


Talk by: Alex de Sherbinin


Host by: Ruishan Chen


TimeDecember 4th 2015, 930—1130


LocationB106, Baoshan Campus, Shanghai University


AbstractClimate change and variability are having significant impacts on human societies, especially in rural regions of the developing world. It is now widely recognized that in situations where in situ adaptation is not possible, that migration or assisted relocation (also known as resettlement) may be required. This presentation draws on the author’s contributions to a number of projects, including climate change hotspots mapping for the US Agency for International Development and UNEP, mapping for reports by the United Nations and CARE on climate loss & damage and migration, migration modeling for the UK Foresight Project on environmental migration, and Rockefeller Foundation funded policy research on climate change resettlement. The research and mapping draw on case studies from around the world, including China.

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