North Korean Officials and Scholars attend the Asian Population Forum and workshops for the first time

创建时间:  2019-10-15  闵悦   浏览次数:   返回

The Second Asian Population Forum, held at Shanghai University earlier this month, was the first time that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) sent experts to take part in the Forum and associated workshops. The United Nations Population Foundation (UNFPA) reached an agreement with ADRI to send four participants from the DPRK to attend the training workshops organized and hosted by ADRI under the framework of Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis. The three government officials and one university faculty member from DPRK attended the workshops "R for Demography and International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Workshop on Estimating Migration with R" and "Methods in developing sub-national population and human capital models and their applications," as well as the Second Asian Population Forum. The DPRK participants were happy to tell ADRI’s professors that the methods and tools they learned at the workshops were exactly what they needed for analysis of data from the DPRK 2019 Census, which was completed last week.

The DPRK delegation is only the first group of trainees sent by the UNFPA to study at ADRI. The UNFPA continues to consider opportunities for collaborating with ADRI by sending more people from DPRK and other Asian countries to participate in ADRI's International Postgraduate Program and training workshops.

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