Chen Rong's new paper published in China Population and Development Studies

创建时间:  2022-08-08  闵悦   浏览次数:   返回

Prof. Chen Rong from ADRI recently published a new paper entitled with “Childbearing intention and childbearing behavior in low fertility society: evidence from Shanghai” on China Population and Development Studies. Chen Rong is the first author of this paper.


Exploring the patterns of population change under low fertility is a historical mission for demographic research in the 21st century. Taking Shanghai as an example, this paper discusses the new patterns and characteristics of people’s childbearing intention and behavior under low fertility settings. The results show that Shanghai, as a typical society with ultra-low fertility, people’s childbearing intention and behavior demonstrate the characteristics such as “downward inconsistency” between childbearing intention and childbearing behavior, “convergence” of childbearing intention and childbearing behavior between diferent sub-groups, “inversion” in childbearing intention and childbearing behavior with education and income, and the “decoupling” between marriage and childbearing. The childbearing intention and behavior of low fertility society as seen in the case of Shanghai show the patterns as somehow diferent from what was observed in a high fertility society. It suggests that many of the childbearing patterns shown in the high-fertility era may not necessarily be applicable in low fertility settings, and urges more research to be carried out in this regard.

上一条:Guillaume Marois's new paper published in the Environmental Research Letters

下一条:Prof. Guy Abel's new paper published in Regional Studies, Regional Science


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