Call for Papers! Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023

创建时间:  2021-11-01  闵悦   浏览次数:   返回

Submit your paper to the

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023

The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) is seeking submissions for a Special Issue entitled “The causes and consequences of depopulation”, which will be guest edited by (in alphabetical order) Zuzanna Brzozowska, Stuart Gietel-Basten, Michael Herrmann, Klaus Prettner and Ekaterina Zhelenkova. Examples of topics include:

• What are differential drivers of population decline?

• What are the long-term consequences of population decline for economic growth and investment, the sustainability of social security systems and governments’ budgets, and the maintenance of public infrastructure and services?

• Are there differences in the economic consequences of population decline when the decline is driven by low fertility or by outward migration?

• Are declining populations less innovative?

• What is the impact of population decline on inequality and equal life chances?

• How might (the fear of) depopulation be linked to perceived threats to culture and identity?

• How to include potential demographic, social, economic, and environmental feedback effects into models of depopulation?

• Which policies could mitigate the challenges associated with population decline?

• Might population decline be something desirable, e.g., from an environmental perspective?

Submission of full paper is open. All submissions will be subject to external double-blind peer review.

Articles are going to be published in two steps: online first, as soon as the reviewing process for each contribution is finalised, and subsequently in the printed journal. Printed copies of the special issues are available annually in full colour, generally towards the end of the calendar year. Deadline for submitting a paper is 31 March 2022.

The VYPR is a platinum open-access journal that has been published annually by the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2003. It is addressing population trends as well as a broad range of theoretical and methodological issues in population research. Article submission, processing, and publication are free of charge. The journal is circulated in print and online with all articles freely available for download on the VID website and included in the JSTOR database.

Please find detailed information on the submission procedure and instructions for authors on the VYPR website:

For any further information, please contact the managing editor: Maria Winkler-Dworak, editors.vypr(at)

  • 附件【CfP_VYPR_2023.pdf】已下载

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