Leiwen co-edited the special issue with Raya Muttarak on "Demographic differential vulnerability to climate-related disasters" on Vienna Yearbook of P

创建时间:  2016-09-28  张羽   浏览次数:   返回

Leiwen co-edited the special issue with Raya Muttarak on "Demographic differential vulnerability to climate-related disasters" on Vienna Yearbook of Population Research http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/vypr_collection?frames=yes.  This special issue is a product of the IUSSP (International Union for  the  Scientific  Study  of  Population) conference,  ‘Demographic Differential  Vulnerability  to  Natural  Disasters  in  the  Context  of  Climate  Change Adaptation’,  held  in  Kao  Lak,  Phang  Nga  province

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