ADRI Faculty Members and Students Attended PAA 2021 Annual Meeting

创建时间:  2021-06-21  闵悦   浏览次数:   返回

The Population Association of America 2021 Annual Meeting was successfully held online from May 5 to May 8 this year. ADRI faculty members Leiwen Jiang, Guillaume Marois, and Emerson Baptista and the first year Ph.D. students Xueting Li attended this year’s meeting.

The Population Association of America is an internationally renowned professional organization in the field of demography, and its annual conference is one the world’s most prominent academic conferences in the field. The papers admitted by the conference are all strictly selected. The annual meeting not only gathers the world's top experts and scholars in the field of demography, it also serves as an important platform for displaying the latest research results on demography. This year, the meeting was held online. 

Prof. Leiwen Jiang, his student Xueting Li and Emerson Baptista presented in the Oral Session 105: Spatial Demography and Censuses Around the Globe on their study “Spatial Analysis of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Risks: A Study for China Prefectures in 2000 and 2010”. It’s worth mentioning here that Xueting gave an oral presentation in this session as a first-year student and won great attention. Prof. Leiwen Jiang also attended the Flash Session 159: Innovative Methods in Spatial and Environmental Demography, with other scholars Bryan Jones, Deborah Balk, and Brian O’Neill. They presented their academic findings in the study “The Importance of Reclassification to Understanding Urban Growth: A Demographic Decomposition of the United States, 1990–2010”. Prof. Leiwen Jiang also had a poster in the meeting together with Hamidreza Zoraghein on the topic “How COVID-19 May Affect Population Distributions Across the U.S. States?” in Poster Session P2: Applied Demography; Migration and Immigration; and Spatial and Environmental Demography.

Dr. Guillaume Marois presented in the Oral Session 102: Migration and Aging, on the topic "How Can Migration, Workforce Participation, and Education Balance the Cost of Aging in Europe?" with scholars from other institutes. Besides, he also had a poster in the Poster Session P7: Gender and Sexuality; and Health and Health Behavior. The title of the poster is “Projecting Health Trajectories in Europe Using Microsimulation”.

Dr. Emerson Baptista also attended the Poster Session P7: Gender and Sexuality; and Health and Health Behavior with another scholar Bernardo Queiroz. The title of the poster is “Spatial Analysis of Cardiovascular Mortality and Associated Factors around the world”.


  • Program Number: 105-3

Spatial Analysis of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Risks: A Study for China Prefectures in 2000 and 2010

E. Baptista, Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI); L. Jiang, Asian Demographic Research Institute; X. Li, Asian Demographic Research Institute.

  • Program Number: 159-1

The Importance of Reclassification to Understanding Urban Growth: A Demographic Decomposition of the United States, 1990–2010

B. O'Neill, University of Denver; B. Jones, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research; D. Balk, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research; L. Jiang, Population Council and Shanghai University.

  • Program Number: P2-75

How COVID-19 May Affect Population Distributions Across the U.S. States?

H. Zoraghein, University of Denver; L. Jiang, Population Council and Shanghai University.

  • Program Number: 102-2

How Can Migration, Workforce Participation, and Education Balance the Cost of Aging in Europe?

A. Belanger, Institut national de la recherche scientifique; G. Marois, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University; W. Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

  • Program Number: P7-15

Projecting Health Trajectories in Europe Using Microsimulation

A. Aktas, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); G. Marois, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University.

  • Program Number: P7-2

Spatial Analysis of Cardiovascular Mortality and Associated Factors Around the World

B. Queiroz, CEDEPLAR; E. Baptista, Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI).

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